Waxing is one of the most effective ways of removing excess or unwanted hair from the body. It involves depilation, which is the removal of the entire hair shaft from below the skin’s surface. It is among the most effective methods of temporary hair removal. There are many types of waxing techniques out there, with warm waxing being the most popular one.
A common misconception about waxing is that it is painful.
In the hands of an experienced waxing therapist, it is quick and nowhere near as bad and people think.
With my years of experience, especially if you are considering waxing for the first time, I can assure that the anticipation of the wax and potential pain is far worse than the treatment itself.
There is a momentary sting as the hair is removed but techniques and products I use quickly alleviate any discomfort and the treatment is done quickly and efficiently.
The more a person waxes, the quicker and easier the treatments become and the hair will noticeably and quickly begin to thin and soften.
I use two specific types or wax and waxing technique,
Strip waxing for the chest, back, arms and legs and Hot wax for the more intimate areas.
Strip waxing is also known as soft waxing because it requires a strip to remove hair from the body. In this method, a thin layer of soft wax is applied in the direction of hair growth then quickly taken off in the opposite direction, taking hair off with it. Often, it’s not about how long the wax stays on the skin, but how quickly it is taken off.
To be effective, it requires a quarter inch of hair growth in order to successfully remove the hair from the skin. After the skin is cleansed, some powder is applied to soak up the extra moisture and also to provide a barrier on the skin.
Soft wax is made by different companies and the quality varies greatly. You will find some that use creamy base and others that use honey. They are also based on certain ingredients which include tea tree, cherry, lavender and chocolate among others.
Also known as stripless waxing, this is another popular waxing method for hair removal. This is because it does not require a strip to remove hair. It is warmed slightly.
Hot wax for hair removal is applied thicker than soft but in the direction of hair growth and works great for areas with thick hair growth. Hard wax is also useful for smaller, more sensitive areas.
At Mikes, this is the method of waxing employed for intimate areas and the back of the neck.
This type of wax is mostly found in a port and is often softened by a microwave or a warmer. It is one of the best techniques because the heat makes it easy to spread and also softens the hair and skin thereby lessening waxing pain – this is one of two systems of waxing used here at Mikes.
Cold soft wax is taken directly from the pot and applied on the skin. Even though it is convenient, it is firmer, meaning that you can have a hard time trying to get an even layer. Many people also find cold soft wax more painful than when heated. A downside to this technique is that it can leave hair behind if it is not applied properly.
In this case, the pre-made strips already have the wax attached. This type of waxing is not only easy to use, but it also leaves no chance of putting too much of the product. Depending on the amount of hair you are removing, you may use waxing strips more than once on a single area. However, it’s always advisable to pre-heat the strips before using by rubbing them between your palms as this enables them to stick well on the hair. The strip is simply placed on the skin and moved in the direction of the hair. Some of our favourite products at Intrinsic are our waxing strips and waxing rolls, made from high-quality, all-natural cotton – this type of waxing is normally used as a home wax kit.